Glorious Names
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Say the names of Jesus, say them loud and clear
Say the names of Jesus, from you heart sincere.
Wonderful, Marvelous, King of Peace divine.
Say the names of Jesus, they will ease your mind.
Tell the names of Jesus, tell them to your friends
Tell the names of Jesus, doubts and fears will end
Captain, Master, Pilot of our life
Tell the names of Jesus, end of pain and strife
Know the names of Jesus, know them in your heart
Know the names of Jesus, good things then will start
Counselor, Son of God, Prophet, Priest, and King
Know the names of Jesus goodness they will bring.
Live the names of Jesus, live them in His love
Live the names of Jesus, given from above
Joyful, Peaceful, as this way we trod
Live the names of Jesus, Everlasting God.
Words and Music by Elder Carl Arnold
