Morning rays

Long Ere The Sun
Tune Rockingham L. M.

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Lowell Mason 1792-1872

Long ere the sun began his days, or moon shot forth her silver rays,
Salvation's scheme was fixed, 'twas done In covenant by the Three in One.

The Father spake, the son replied, The Spirit with them both complied,
Grace moved the cause for saving man, And wisdom drew the noble plan.

The Father chose His only Son To die for sins that man had done;
Emmanuel to the choice agreed, And thus secured a numerous seed.

He sends His Spirit from above , To call the objects of His love;
Not one shall perish or be lost, His blood has bought them, dear they cost.

What high displays of sovereign grace! What love to save a ruined race;
My soul, adore His lovely name, By whom thy free salvation came.