Man cannot make a universe
Nor put a star in space:
He cannot make a sun or moon,
And put it in its place.
No man can make the sun stand still
Nor make it start again:
Such things the God of heav'n can do
But not poor, feeble man.
Man can't create a grain of sand
Much less a world like ours:
He neither has the knowledge or
The power it requires.
No man can calm the raging seas
Nor still the mighty wind:
No man can stay the swelling tide
Nor cause the rain to end.
No man can raise the dead to life
Nor quicken any soul:
Man cannot make the blind to see
Nor make the sinner whole.
He cannot save the lost from hell
Nor make them loathe their sin:
Can't make them see the dear old church
Nor long to enter in.
Such things require the work of God,
Man's hand is much too small:
May we commit out lives to Him
And crown Him Lord of all.

Elder Ralph Harris May 12, 1993