purple flower

My Contributions

I used to fumble in my purse
And slip out a bill or two
Then go around and find a hand
to shove the bills into
As though Id given quite a bit
but didnt want it known
That I was such a generous soul
and wanted no favors shown;
And when Id fix my income tax,
Id guess at what Id given;
And maybe Id get back a little
Of all that I had given.
Then, one day, I bought a book
and set down every dime
That I could use for income tax
and get it in on time.
When I added my contributions,
I could hardly believe my eyes;
So, I added them up again;
but the truth never lies.
Its needless to say that I didnt show
it on my income tax
For I was ashamed for the world to know
that I had been so slack.
It certainly is a good thing
The members were not like me;
Or the church house would have fallen down
for all the world to see;
But the thing I hate the most,
Is for my Lord to know
That I am such a fool
I have to sink so low.
But, Oh Im glad that He loves me
Enough to let me see
Myself before the world can know
Just how little I can be

Doris Taylor

Copied from The Baptist Trumpet, August 1960