New Year Prayer

As I upon the threshold stand
Of this, another year,
Pray strengthen, God, my faith and hope,
And cast out doubt and fear.

I make no promises, O God,
But help me rest in Thine,
For Thou, I know, art never slack
As I always in mine.

No resolutions do I make
To trample under feet
Help me a better life to live,
My failures not repeat.

May I not yearn for earthly gems,
Nor strive for earthly fame,
But may I choose, above all else,
A good and upright name.

Oh that I might possess clean hands,
A pure heart do I pray,
And may I swear to my own hurt,
If need should be today.

So as I look before me, Lord,
With faith and hope in thee,
Oh give me this, the greatest gift
The gift of Charity!

Poem written by Bessie R.Kennamer
Copied from her book of poems Bread upon the Waters
Sister Kennamer passed away on October 20, 2003 being 106 years old