It is in Christ we stand or fall
And from Him all our strength must come,
And of the things we need the most
He is the substance and the sum.
We could not draw another breath
If He withdrew His providence:
Our all in all resides in Him
And He alone is our defense.
Our strongest efforts all would fail
Should He withhold His prosp'ring hand:
How sobering is the awesome truth
That all is under His command.
How vain for men to vaunt themselves
Who are but lowly ash and dust!
Their vap'rous life will soon expire
Along with vanities they trust.
No man has cause to brag or boast,
'Tis God who gives us our success:
We cannot save our souls from hell,
It is by grace and nothing less.
Our need of Christ defies the mind
Of feeble man to comprehend,
And how amazing is His love
That He to us would condescend.
O may we praise Him ev'ry hour
And live prostrate at His dear feet
In hope that through His precious blood
We shall in glory one day meet.
Elder Ralph Harris - March 1998
