
 Some men use stones to houses build,
Some men use stones to throw;
The first is honorable pursuit,
The second brings but woe.

 Some gather stones out of the way
Lest someone slip and fall,
While others scatter stones abroad
With no forethought at all.

 If stumbling blocks were stepping stones,
Much turbulence would cease,
For men would rise above their wrongs
And seek the paths of peace.

 Oh yes, theyd rise from long stalemates
Of real or fancied wrong
Forgive and be forgiven, too
And sing sweet mercys song.

 Methinks the very skies above
Would echo and resound
The joy within the church below
When love and peace abound!

Poem written by Bessie R. Kennamer
Copied from her book of poems Bread upon the Waters
Sister Kennamer passed away on October 20, 2003 being 106 years old