Angel Trumpet Thanksgiving

Once more, Oh God, we turn to Thee
To offer up our praise
And thank Thee, Lord, for all the gifts
we've known throughout our days

We thank Thee for thou lovely Son
Who died upon the cross
And, Lord, to know of all thou chose
Not one shall e'er be lost.

We thank Thee for forgiveness, Lord,
For daily do we sin
But by thy grace, eternity,
With Thee, Oh Lord, we'll spend

We thank Thee for the brethren's love
The comfort that it gives
But, more, to know that Christ who died
Yet now and ever lives

We're thankful for the Spirit, Lord,
The gift with our rebirth
That guides us o'er life's daily path
While serving Thee on earth

We're thankful for salvation's plan
That Thou, to us, revealed
That not by works or chosen words
But on the cross was sealed

We thank Thee for the scriptures, Lord,
That brings us peace and light
To guide as we walk each day
And comfort us at night

The things we have to thank Thee for
The list would never end
But, yet, Oh Lord, a little more
We ask of Thee to send

Lord, give us understanding hearts
That we, too, can forgive
The faults of those about us Lord
That also in Thee live

That we might lift them up, Oh Lord,
Their burdens we might claim
And do so to the praise of Thee
Lord, not for earthly fame

Lord give us strength to persevere
Beyond the tempters snare
To follow Thee in paths of old
While, Lord, we tarry here

And, Lord, upon that final day
When earth shall stand no more
That we shall go with Christ, our King,
To that far distant shore.

Thin Line
Written by Brother Ron Colson
November 22, 2001