The only way
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There is a way we all must go,
The way of flesh and blood.
But while we do we must behold
The only way that's good.
While in this life we find our way
Through darkness thick and dim
We must walk thru with heads held high
And arms stretched up toward him
We need His light. The way is rough.
We cannot go alone.
His light dispels the gloomy mire.
Our spirit is His own.
Jesus has said, He is the way,
The Truth, the Life for us,
And we believe His word is true.
In Him alone we'll trust.
He made Himself of flesh and blood
To go the way we should.
Left here the Path for us to walk,
And told us that we could.
Fulfilled the law without a flaw
For us for we could not.
Forgiving them that rebuked Him
And dying for the lot
He gave His life for those he choose
Before the world began
And firmly placed them in God's house,
Secured by God's on hand

Poem and music by Elder Carl Arnold