Gold leaf


Adoring, I gaze on my Lord
By faith, as He hangs on the tree
And marvel that blood so submissively shed
Could cover a wretch such as me.

I see as I look on His face
A tear and a smile blend as one
And think as I stand in awe of the scene
Could He include me as a son?

I fall neath the cross on my knees
With tears running down from my face
And cry, "Are my sins charged to Him as He bleeds,
And does He now die in my place?"

A glimpse from His agonized face
Assures me of covenant grace
And love beyond words floods my penitent heart
As I look again on His face.

Such beauty I cannot express
As this morbid scene now unfolds
And I contemplate the great price that He paid
For millions of sanctified souls.

And though my heart bleeds for His pain
Yet lift I my face to the skies
Words fail me to pen this unspeakable scene
As He so triumphantly dies.

Oh, do I mistake His design
And have I been wrong in it all?
Then why this deep love that burns hot in my breast
And why do I yet on Him call?

Ill hope in His mercy till death
And neer begrudge one tempral loss
But cling to the glory I felt when I viewed
My Lord as He hung on the cross.

Elder Ralph Harris 9-9-02