flower and Shell

Dear Brothers and Sisters on the forum, As this night ends I welcome all new members to this forum and look forward to meeting each of you on the forum with writings. I pray in my weak way for all those mentioned today and previously who have lifes problems bearing on them causing distress, illness, and loneliness. Retiring from this day, I leave all of you this attempt at poetry:

His own, all weak, God calls to work
In fields both rich and true.
These fields are Gods own vineyards fine
Where grace and love shine through.

The work God gives for these to do
I feel is Gods own choice.
Some preach, all sing, all pray, all love
And all in Christ rejoice.

To sing the songs of Gods free gifts
Is joy beyond compare
To sing with hearts sincere and full
With contrite spirit fair.

To pray to God through His dear Son
And hope our words Hell hear
We know He sits to intercede
Therefore, we have no fear

And love it flows from breast to breast
As freely as the wind
It freely flows because God knows
This love has common kin.

To hear the word of God proclaimed
And hear the truth declared
And how that Gods own darling Son
For His choice was not spared

All this and more God gives to us
To love and worship Him
And if we dont work in this field
Our hope inside grows dim

Posted to the Primitive Baptist Library forum, 2/22/2002
By Elder Carl Arnold