These definitions were taken from the Webster's dictionary (1828 edition)
Essential  a - necessary to the constitution or existence of a thing 2. Important in the highest degree
Baptist  n - one who administers baptism. This appellation is appropriately given to John, the forerunner of Christ
Principles  n - in a general sense, the cause, source or origin of anything

Butter Fly This website is now managed and edited by  Brother Brett Mckee. It was originally started and maintained by my father, Elder Claude Mckee. I believe it went public or was created in 2002 and was maintained until after 2020. My father passed from this life on September 5th 2019. On this site will be found an essay stating  Elder Claude Mckee's  beliefs as to what constitutes Essential Baptist Principles. The only rule of faith and order is the Holy inspired scriptures. All other writers or publications must always be judged by the infallible word of God and only be given support if they agree with the Holy writ. Therefore this essay is not presented as a standard but simply expresses in my words the principles I believe the original Baptists preached and practiced.

 The Lord willing, regular articles on these principles and practices  will be presented on this web site. Emphasis's will be primarily upon Primitive Baptist writings but other pertinent Baptist historical writings  will be presented in order to show the progression of Baptist Doctrines and Practices over the last 200 plus years.

Our sincere desire and prayer to God is that many of his children will return to the truths of the Bible and the simply practices which Christ established for His church to follow in this life.