Divisions (Part 1)
Note: Sadly, there have arisen among our people in various parts of the county preachers who wish to be dictators over the churches in their area. They insist that all churches in their fellowship must follow their directions as to who can and who cannot be preached (and even in one instance the would-be dictator told a neighboring church, where he was neither a member nor the pastor, who they could not use to offer prayer in their services). In many instances this is being done I the name of "standing for the old paths," and any and all other preachers who do not bow down to their rule are declared to be "out of order". Recently among some of the Missouri churches this dictatorship has appeared; and many falsehoods have been told concerning the churches today and the church history of the past. Man of the brethren in that area requested Elder Russell key to set the record straight – concerning the past and present among those churches. Brother Key has been a member with the Primitive Baptist in Missouri since 1944, and is well qualified to set the record straight for the past and to declare the standing of the churches today. This is the first of two articles he has written on church divisions; this one dealing with the past, and next month’s article will deal with the stand of many of the Missouri churches today. - Bob Dickerson
"Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment"(I Corinthians 1:10)
These words of the Apostle Paul in trying to unify the brethren at the Corinthian church show that divisions are not a new thing among church people. He also asks the question, "Is Christ divided?" (Verse 13). We know one thing for sure, as long as we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church, we will never fall into error. On the other hand, if we follow men we will have divisions and the result will be hurtful to the lambs and sheep of our Lord.
There have been divisions ever since time began by men following the powers of darkness rather than the Lord of glory. The Apostle Paul again admonishes us "Let all things be done decently and in order" (I Corinthians 14:40). The faithful ministers have left on record the rules based on the principles of good order, and if we follow these rules we will do well. Some ministers, in order to have a following, have broken these rules for their own selfish benefit, and divisions have resulted. Different churches and Associations have written their own rules and decorum; though the words are not exactly the same, the meaning is.
When I first became a member of the church in the year of 1944, a division had taken place; there had been trouble in New Garden Church in the year of 1941; some followed Elder Emmerson MCAfee and some followed Elder Leon Clevenger. As a result of this division there was a lawsuit between the followers of these two ministers. Three books recorded the reason of the lawsuit: one was given to the followers of each minister and another was placed in the Court Records of the City of Richmond, Missouri. There was also a booklet on this written by Elder Leon Clevenger and his followers. This booklet did not state all of the facts as recorded in the main book of the trial.
There were three ministers in New Garden Church; each ere to serve one year and the next in turn to be pastor the next. Elder Leon Clevenger had served his term and it was Elder Emmerson McAfee’s turn, as I understand. As to who shall be pastor, according to the Book of the Trial, and the confusion that resulted, Elder Leon Clevenger was silenced. This was done at the regular business meeting according to the Record. Some time later Elder Clevenger and some of his followers had a meeting in one of the homes, not at the time of the regular business meeting, and his followers un-silenced him. Remember I am following the Record of the trial, not what some have said about the matter. The result of this meeting was what brought about the division. Elder Emmerson McAfee and 27 members would not accept the disorderly action of Elder Leon Clevenger and his followers. Elder Leon Clevenger and his followers claim they exclude the followers of Elder McAfee.
According to the NATIONAL PEACE MEETING OF THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS HELD AT HARMONY CHURCH< DONALDSON, ARKANSAS< JULY 13, 14,15, 1953, Article 21, "we further recommend to our Brethren they should recognize that there is a difference in an exclusion and a division. Exclusion is when a member or members are withdrawn from by the church for an offence. A division is when a church cannot agree and the minority also sets themselves up as the church.’ To the best of my knowledge, Elder Emmerson McAfee and his followers did not claim they had excluded Elder Leon Clevenger and his followers. Their claim is that they are the church in order, and I agree.
(To be continued) – Elder Russel Key