Thin Line

Essential Baptist Principles Quill Misc items of interest

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Editor : Elder Claude Mckee  P.O. Box 8245  Anniston, Alabama 36202-8245


Divisions (part 2)

There are times when ministers do not agree as to how to deal with questions that arise, and if both will set down and discuss the matter in a Christian way each will have to admit both could be wrong and admit it as such. Our Lord has left on record as to how to settle any differences between each other (Matthew 18:15-17).

A movement was begun to try making the Old Church more liked by the world; this has caused some ministers to fall in line with this and those who do not are standing against it. As the result of this new effort several tried and true elders and deacons met and made a Declaration opposing this effort. This (declaration) is called THE PITTS GEORGIA RESOLUTION, a declaration against liberalism in the Primitive Baptist Churches. This resolution was at New Bethel Primitive Baptist Church in Pitts, Georgia on January 29, 2000. There are twelve items that were opposed as follows: (1) Sunday Schools [or organized bible study classes – the author had left this off - Editor.] (2) Youth Camps (3) Mission Programs (4) Theological seminaries [(Preacher’s Schools) – the author had left this off -Editor.] (5) Dedication of infants (6) Salaried Ministry (7) Tithing (8) Teaching the Great Commission was given to the church rather than to the Apostles (9) Accepting and retaining unqualified members (10) Misdirected ministerial Authority (11) Ordaining Novices (12) Failure to recognize church authority.

The following ministers of the Fishing River Association, The Yellow Creek Association and Hazel Creek Association do not teach the above errors. Elders Harold Taylor, Darle Siegel, Charles Surbaugh, Phil Jones, Darrell Shewmaker and Russel Key. We try to be charitable with those who do not think as we do. That does not mean we will give in to any thing the Pitts Resolution stands against.

I am sorry to say that one preacher has called us Liberals; and has made trouble, especially in the Yellow Creek Association. He himself is guilty of ignoring #10 and #12 of the above Pitts Resolution: MISDIRECTED MINISTERIAL AUTHORITY and FAILURE TO RECOGNIZE CHURCH AUTHORITY. In the year of 2000 this elder was elected Moderator to the Yellow Creek Association and served well until 2002 when the association was at Mt. Moriah. Brother Bill Burnett was working on how to use the ministers present; this elder asked him what he was doing. When he told him, the Elder said you have no authority to do that. This is the first time I heard of his misapplying #10 and #12. In the minutes of the Yellow Creek Association, #3 reads, "The deacons of the several churches are to arrange the order of preaching" – So Brother Burnett had all of the authority he needed as he is one of the deacons of Mt. Moriah Church. The next year at Chariton Church when the Yellow Creek Association met this elder did not act properly. When the association met at Brush Creek Church, Brother Clifford Grubbs was handed a note (he did not know by whom as he was visiting with another person, neither did he know who wrote the note). The note read: "Elders Larry Pearl, Matthew Pearl and Marc Kunels were to do the preaching afternoon and evening." This again is not according to the rules set down by the Yellow Creek Association which state the DEACONS ARE TO ARRANGE THE PREACHING. This was the year of 2004, August 6,7 and 8.

At the present time this elder refuses to fellowship the Yellow Creek, Hazel Creek, Fishing River, Center Creek and Ozark Associations due to his extreme position concerning the Liberal Movement. Each of the ministers of the Associations named obey the rules set down by our forefathers as they are good rules, and if followed, love and peace will prevail among the churches.

Notice: "Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses" (1 Timothy 5:19); "Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm" (Psalms 105:15). It is a very serious thing to falsely charge anyone, especially one of God’s ministers, of wrongdoing. –Elder Russel Key