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Independence Day
The Flint River Primitive Baptist church has the distinction of being the first organized Baptist church in what is now the State of Alabama. It was organized October 2 1808. Below is an excerpt from their first associational meeting in 1814. It should be an eye opener for all God fearing people of our state, especially to Baptists. In most part, Independence Day has become a secular day with very little mention of the God that blessed us with this nation. This trend of leaving out the most important part of celebrating Independence Day should not be. These early Baptists were also concerned that God was being left out in all the festivity surrounding independence celebrations. It is worse today, not only is God being left out, but also many view the 4th of July as just another day off from work. -- Elder Claude McKee
Excerpt from the 1814 Flint River Primitive Baptist (of Alabama) Associational minutes
"Whereas we have long viewed with pain the prostitution of the birthday of our independence, not seeing the name of God and gratitude to heaven in all that festivity: Resolved therefore that it be recommended to all the Churches in our union to observe the 4th of July in every succeeding year as a day of gratitude prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God for our excellent republican form of government, and the many distinguished blessings bestowed upon us (by the Divine hand) as a Nation and that on said day a stop be put to the secular concerns of life and that the Ministers of the Gospel appoint and hold meetings in the bounds of their respective Churches."