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Obedience to the truth The gospel is much more than just an exposition of the wonderful decrees and counsels of God with no practical application.  by Elder Ralph Harris
Obedient Children We should all rejoice when we see children of God walking in truth and love. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Obey God rather than Man When anyone requests, urges or demands that we do anything contrary to "thus saith the Lord," we are duty bound to obey God rather than man.  by Elder Ralph Harris
Old Fashioned Service by C. H. Cayce
Old way - Content with The first New Testament Church was a Baptist Church. by Elder Ariel West (from the bits and pieces series #113 by Elder Ralph Harris)
One of ourselves by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Only one mediator from the bits and pieces series #469 by Elder Ralph Harris
On the Cross by Elder C. Campbell
Opposing Apostasy among the Primitive Baptists by Elder Claude McKee
Ordination service Rite or Examination by Elder E. B. Watts
Organ music in the Church by Elder Walter Cash published in the Primitive Baptists in 1912 and again in 1937
Outer and Inner Man by Elder S. F. Cayce