Notable Quotes: “Every thing these Apostles, forbid, or bound, or not allowed, are bound in heaven. You cannot change it,
or appeal to God, for it to be rescinded. We should stop and think. These things are already recorded; whatsoever thou (these
Apostles) bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Everything these men left out, or did not mention, they are not recognized in
heaven. They do not belong to the Church. That is why the Old Baptist Church is so fearful of adding anything new. It is good to be
Zealous, but wild enthusiasm will run away with you and blind many. It will get men’s person before you, and you will give them
honor that does not belong to them. We must not let things get in our way, that we cannot see the Teachings of our Lord Jesus
Christ. I love to see men Zealous in the right thing, but when a fleshly Zeal is followed, they will lose sight of the Practice and
Discipline of the True Church. Only that which is written by the writers of the New Testament, is to be practiced in and by the
Church. But the things that they did not mention, are ruled out, and not allowed, on earth, and also in heaven.” Elder C. M. Mills