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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
March 2006

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  • Why grumble There are some who say, "It is hard (unjust) for God to choose some and leave others." Elder Ralph Harris

  • A system of bondageAny religion,which maintains that souls are saved eternally on the basis of the efforts of men, is a system of Elder Ralph Harris

  • Flattering titles The word "reverend" appears only one time in the Bible and is only applied to God by Elder Ralph Harris

  • Be not Faithless If a man could lose the faith that he was given as fruit of the Spirit, then he could likewise be able to lose Salvation By Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • The blessed exception Thankfully, there is an exception, Jesus Christ our Lord. By Elder Marty Hoogasian

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Notable Quotes: Those men that condemned the Son to death, did not overpower Him and take his life. If so, then the Atonement is by wicked works. I am not ready for that doctrine”. Jesus said, ‘Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it up again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself, I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up again.’ Elder C. M. Mills - deceased

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Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Mail IconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 29, 2009 )