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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
April 2007

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Quill Selected Hymn

From the Good old songs
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Solemn Warning

C. M

The blessed Spirit, like the wind, 
Blows when and where He  please;
How happy are the men who feel 
The soul enlivening breeze!

He forms the inward mind afresh, 
Subdues the love of sin, 
He takes away the heart of stone, 
And plants His grace

He sheds abroad the Father's love,
Applies redeeming blood,
Bids both our guilt and grief remove,
And brings us near to God.

Lord, fill each dead, benighted soul
With life, and light, and joy!
None can the mighty power control--
Thy glorious work destroy.


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Scriptural Verse and Comment

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Notable Quotes: I am under the law to Christ, and God has not predestinated an infraction of the law He has given. I wouldn't credit myself with good sense if I believe in that Doctrine." Elder Charles Waters, June 1915

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Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Mail IconCopyright 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 29, 2009 )