From the Good old
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hear tune Horton. 7s
Songs of praise the angels sang,
Heav'n with hallelujahs rang,
When Jehovah's work begun
When He spake, and it was done.
Songs of praise awoke the morn
When the Prince of peace was born;
Songs of praise arose when He
Captive led captivity.
Saints below, with heart and voice,
Still in songs of praise rejoice;
Learning here, by faith and love,
Songs of praise to sing above.
Borne upon their latest breath,
Songs of praise shall conquer death;
Then, a midst eternal joy,
Songs of praise their powers employ.
Notable Quotes: "Wm
Snow gave an account of his faith and experience which gave
satesfaction to Bretherin round and he desired to be Baptized: So we
went down to the pond which was froze over, and they cut a hole
thro; and I Baptized him, and tho' the wether was freazing cold and
we thus went in thro' the ice, yet the dificulty seemed much smaller
when we came to it than it did at a distance."
verbatim from the diary of Elder Isaac Backus, Monday February 14,