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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

October 2007

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The hill of Zion S. M.
Good old songs (Cayce book)

My soul with joy attend,
While Jesus silence breaks;
No angel's harp such music yields,
As what my Shepherd speaks.

I know My sheep, He cries,
My soul approves them well;
Vain is the treach 'rous world's disguise,
And vain the rage of hell.

I freely feed them now,
With tokens of My love;
But richer pastures I prepare,
And sweeter streams above.

Unnumbered years of bliss
I to My sheep will give;
And while My throne unshaken stands,
Shall all My chosen live.



Walking Man

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Scriptural Verse

Thin Line

Notable Quotes: The influence that education has upon the life and actions of men has long been understood, and over fifty years ago, Dr. Ely, in urging upon his denomination, (the Presbyterians,) the necessity of establishing colleges and schools in the Mississippi valley, said, "Give me the control of the schools in the United States, and I will soon control the ballot-box and the pulpit of the nation." If this be true, how important that we should educate our children right, and as far as possible, keep their minds free from errors, either in religion or politics.  Religious sentiments imbibed in youth, and received from the lips of parents, are hard to throw off, and are apt to stick by us as long as we live. Elder Gregg M. Thompson

Thin Line

Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail Icon Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 01, 2009 )