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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

August  2008

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C. M.
#242 Good old songs (Cayce book)

Ye fleeting charms of earth, farewell,
Your springs of joy are dry;
My soul now seeks another home,
A brighter world on high

I'm along time traveling here below,
I'm a long time traveling away from home;
I'm a long time traveling here below,
To lay this body down.

Farewell, ye friends, whose tender care
has long engaged my love;
Your fond embrace I now exchange
For better friends above.

Cheerful I leave this vale of tears,
Where pains and sorrows grow;
Welcome the day that ends my toil
And every scene of woe.


Walking Man

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Scriptural Verse

Thin Line

Notable Quotes: "Suppose that all law in our nation and states were taken away, and that there were no danger of being punished in any way by the law; suppose, too, that all fear of a future state of punishment  were removed from the minds of all men, and that none were kept back from crime by the fear of being punished for it, either here or hereafter; then we would have the state of things that would put the integrity of people to the test." Elder James H. Oliphant [As our nations laws are being changed to allow immoral activity without fear of  punishment; where punishment is much less severe than the crime and the fear of discipline no longer guide our children does this not add to the  lack of integrity in our society. Editor]

Thin Line
Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail Icon Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 02, 2009 )