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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

July  2008

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Going home
L. M.
755 Good old songs (Cayce book)

Now to the power of God supreme
Be everlasting honor given;
And I don't care to stay here long!
He saves from hell, (we bless His name;)
He calls our wandering feet to heaven,
And I don't care to stay here long!

Right up yonder, Christians, away
 up yonder; O, yes, my Lord,
for I don't care to stay here long.

Not for our duties or deserts,
But of His own abounding grace,
He works salvation in our hearts,
And forms a people for His praise.

Twas His own purpose that began
To rescue rebels doomed to die;
He gave us grace in Christ His Son,
Before He spread the starry sky.


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Scriptural Verse

Thin Line

Notable Quotes: From a letter written by Elder John Leland to a good old Friend. "You inform me that all the old preachers are dead, or past labor, and that a new set have risen up in their stead. It is to be hoped that the young will improve upon the old, by shunning their defects and imitating their virtues. Preachers should always be little enough for the meek and lowly Jesus, who made himself of no reputation.. A great preacher of the gospel of humiliation and self-abasement, is a monstrous character. Be ye not called Rabbi -- be servant of all -- be thou an example to believers -- let nothing be done through strife and vain-glory, etc.; are admonitions that I daily need, and perhaps my young brethren may need the same.

Thin Line
Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail icon Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 02, 2009 )