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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

June  2008

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Happy Land.
P. M.
377 Good old songs (Cayce book)

There is a happy land, Far, far away,
 Where saints in glory stand,
Bright, bright as day;
Oh, how they sweetly sing,
Worthy is our Saviour King,
Loud let His praises ring,
Praise, praise for aye!

Come to that happy land,
Come, come away;
Why will you doubting stand
Why yet delay?
Oh, we shall happy be,
When from sin and sorrow free,
Lord, we shall live with Thee,
Blest, blest for aye.

Bright in that happy land
Beams every eye;
Kept by a Father's hand
Love cannot die;
Then shall His kingdom come,
Saints shall share a glorious home,
And bright above the sun
We'll reign for aye!



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Scriptural Verse

thin LIne

Notable Quotes: Speaking of the errors introduced by Andrew Fuller in the late 1700's. "Mr. Fuller has had few equals in strength of mind, and depth and originality of thought; but his ingenuity of arrangement, in opposing the doctrine of special atonement, by introducing principles inconsistent with it, instead of a direct opposition, in common with the Arminian, evinces an evil design, or a palpable delusion. If the former, then how are we to account for his able defense of many glorious truths? But if the latter, then it illustrates a great truth, that zeal, erudition and power of intellect are no security against error." From Griffin's history of the Mississippi Primitive Baptist

thin LIne
Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail icon Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 02, 2009 )