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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

November  2008

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The Lord has been so good to me
#277 Old School Hymnal #11

The Lord has been so good to me,
I want to sing His praise,
I want to glorify His name
all my remaining days.

The Lord has been so good to me,
I will on Him depend;
And everyday wherever I be,
I would His truth defend.

I want to follow in His steps
And show my love this way;
I want to lift His banner up,
Each fair or cloudy day.

I want to mingle with His saints
While here on earth I stay,
And meet them on the golden shore
On that eternal day.

Lord Jesus, wilt Thou mercy show
And save me by Thy grace,
That I may when this life is over
Look on Thy lovely face.

And in the land of endless bliss,
Where all the praise is Thine,
Some humble place at Thy dear feet,
May this poor sinner find.


Walking Man

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Scriptural Verse

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Notable Quotes: "Wherever a preacher labors, is the place for him to claim his support, and he has no scriptural authority to look any where else-- for the plan of supporting preachers by contribution, is without the authority of the bible, for the contributions the scriptures speak of , and taking if from one place to another, was for the relief of the poor saints and not for the preachers." Elder Daniel Parker from his book 'A public address to the Baptist Society'

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Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail IconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:April 18, 2012 )