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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

September  2008

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C. M.
#732 Good old songs (Cayce book)

Again from calm and sweet repose,
I rise to hail the dawn;
Again my waking eyes unclose
To view the smiling morn.

Great God of love, Thy praise I'll sing,
For thou hast safely kept
My soul beneath Thy guardian wing,
And watched me while I slept.

Glory to Thee eternal Lord,
O teach my heart to pray,
And Thy blest Spirit's help afford,
To guide me through the day.



Walking Man

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Scriptural Verse

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Notable Quotes: "The Church cannot make a preacher by ordaining him. Some people seem to think the one and only thing necessary to make a preacher is for the Church to ordain him. Ordination does not make a preacher. It only sets a man apart to the work whereunto God has called him -- if God has called him to the work." Elder C. H. Cayce

THin Line
Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail icon Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 03, 2009 )