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hear tune Carradoc Plains 11s and 8s
#731 The good Old Songs
How lovely the place where the Savior appears,
To those who believe in His word!
His presence disperses my sorrows and fears,
And bids me rejoice in my Lord.
One day in His courts, than a thousand beside,
Is better and lovelier far;
My soul hates the place where the wicked reside,
And all their delights I abhor.
Lord, give me a place with the humblest of saints,
For low at thy feet I would lie;
I know that Thou hearest my feeble complaints--
Thou hearest the young raven's cry.
Give strength to the souls that now wait upon Thee;
Oh, come in Thy chariot of love!
From earth's vain enchantments, oh, help us to flee,
And set our affections above.