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hear tune How Sweet to Die
#353 Old School Hymnal #11
Farewell vain world I'm going home,
My Savior bids me come.
Sweet angels beckon from on high.
Then, O how sweet to die.
I'm glad that I am born to die,
From grief my sold shall fly.
Sweet angels beckon form on high,
Then, O how sweet to die.
I'll praise my Savior while I've breath,
I'll praise Him after death,
I'll praise His matchless name on high.
Then, O how sweet to die.
I soon shall pass this vale of death,
When I shall lose my breath,
And then my happy soul shall fly,
Then, O how sweet to die.
Notable Quotes: "The framers of the Constitution understood the wisdom of making few
laws.....The brevity of the Constitution may have an additional explanation. As noted, the Bible was the common denominator among
all those who came together to frame the supreme secular laws of the land. The founders understood that the faith, morality, and ethics
embodied in God's law should form the basis of all man-made laws."
Balint Vazsonyi from his book 'America's 30 years war