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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

June  2009

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Long-Sought Home
C. M.
#437 The good Old Songs

Jerusalem, My happy home,
Oh how I long for thee;
When will my sorrows have an end?
Thy joys when shall I see?

Home, sweet home, my long - sought home,
My home in heav'n above.

Thy walls are all of precious stone,
Most glorious to behold;
Thy gates are richly set with pearls,
Thy streets are paved with gold.

Thy gardens and thy pleasant greens,
My study long have been;
Such sparkling light by human sight
Hath never yet been seen.

If heaven be thus glorious, Lord,
why should I stay from thence?
What folly 'tis that makes me dread
to die and go from hence.



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Scriptural Verse

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Notable Quotes: We frequently hear some of our brethren saying that the Baptist in John Gill's day were ultra-Calvinists; and they are fond of repeating the saying of a Missionary Baptist that  "the prevailing doctrine among the Baptist at that time was ultra-Calvinism." The Baptists of the old order, I am glad to know, are not now, nor never were ultra-Calvinists. The Baptists are not in dept to John Calvin for a single truth he may have contended for.  For the very good reason that the Baptists had that truth before he was born. John Calvin was born at Nogen, in Picardy, July 10, 1509.  Elder J. S. Newman

Thin Line
Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail logo Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:April 18, 2012 )