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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

May  2009

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S. M.
#699 The good Old Songs

Welcome, sweet day of rest
That saw the Lord arise;
Welcome to this reviving breast,
And these rejoicing eyes.

The King Himself comes near,
And feasts His saints today;
Here we may sit, and see Him here,
And love, and praise, and pray.

One day, amid the place
where my dear Lord has been,
Is sweeter than ten thousand days
Of pleasurable sin.

My willing soul would stay
In such a frame as this,
Till called to rise and soar away
To ever lasting bliss.



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Scriptural Verse

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Notable Quotes: Extremism in most, if not all nature subjects, is void of Godly principles. The PETA organization promotes the extreme position that animals should not be used for the purposes that God said they could be. The extreme environmentalists believes that man can and will destroy God’s creation without governmental restraints; thus disregarding God's declaration: “For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:18  Elder Claude McKee

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Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail logo Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 04, 2009 )