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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
November 2009

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When sorrows Encompass
#339 The good Old Songs

When  sorrows encompass me round,
and many distresses I see.
Astonished I cry, can a mortal be found,
Surrounded with trouble like me? me?

Few seasons of peace I enjoy,
And they are succeeded by pain;
If ever a few moments of praise I employ,
I have hours and days to complain, plain.

O, when will my sorrows subside,
O, When shall my sufferings cease? O.
when to the bosom of Christ be conveyed,
In the mansions of glory and bliss? bliss.

May I be prepared for that day
When Jesus shall bid me remove,
that I may in rapture go shouting away
To the arms of my heavenly love. love.

My spirit to glory conveyed,
my body laid low in the ground,
I wish not a tear at my grave to be shed;
let all join in praising around, round.



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Notable Quotes:  From the diary of Elder Isaac Backus Friday December 31, 1802 "The earth has been made so fruitful, that bread and meat are as plenty through our land, as was ever know therein. And though our government was so managed, that our national debt had been increasing ever since the war, and very fast under the administration of Mr. Adam, yet in two years, since Mr. Jefferson was president, the debt has been lessened about ten million of dollors, and they are going on to extinguish it wholly."  They never got it extinguished - What would he think of today's situation - Editor


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Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail iconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:November 01, 2009 )