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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
August 2010

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8s and 7s D.
#638 in the Good Old Songs

Gird thy loins up, Christian soldier;
Lo! thy Captain calls thee out;
Let the danger make thee bolder;
war in weakness, dare in doubt.
Buckle on thy heavenly armor;
Patch up no inglorious peace;
Let thy courage wax the warmer,
As thy foes and fears increase.

Bind thy golden girdle round thee
Truth to keep thee firm and tight;
Never shall the foe confound thee,
While the truth maintains thy fight.
Righteousness within thee rooted
May appear to take thy part;
But let righteousness imputed
Be the breastplate of thy heart.

Shod with gospel preparation,
In the paths of promise tread;
Let the hope of free salvation,
As a helmet, guard thy head.
When beset with various evils,
Wield the Spirit's two-edged sword;
Cut thy way through hosts of devils,
While they fall before the Word.



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Notable Quote:
"One of the most convincing arguments in favor of Old Baptists having the true church is that they suffer the same reproaches that were suffered by Christ and His Apostles. The truth is despised by the world. If our doctrine is popular with the world, we can be sure it is not the doctrine of Jesus Christ. this is powerfully evidenced by the death of the Lord and His apostles for the things they taught."  From an article entitled 'Some Marks of the Church' written by Elder Ralph Harris, printed in the Christian Pathway,  June of 1964


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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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