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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
December  2010

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Weeping Sinners
#341 in the Good Old Songs

God of love, O hear our prayer,
Kindly for Thy people care;
We on Thee alone depend,
Love and save us to the end.

Save us in the prosperous hour,
From the flattering tempter's power,
From his unsuspected wiles,
From the world's pernicious smiles.

Cut off our dependence vain,
On the help of feeble man;
Every arm of flesh remove,
Stay us on eternal love.

Men of worldly low design,
Let not these Thy people join;
Till they nothing know beside
Jesus and Him crucified.


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Notable Quote:
     "Concerning social problems? The best Old Age Social Security is for the parents to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. In so doing the child will honor and respect their parents, and provide for them in their Old Age. Social equality, as some want it, can never be attained on the earth." Elder C. M. Mills

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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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