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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
February  2010

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Evening Meditations
#514 The Old School Hymnal

Oh what have I done in Thy name,
dear Lord. As I come to the close
of this day? Have I looked up to heaven
 and thee, Or,  have my steps gone astray?

Oh, what have I done, Oh what Have I done
in Thy name, dear Lord, to day?
Have I looked up to heaven and thee,
or have my steps gone astray? or
have my steps gone astray?

Have I let my light shine as it should,
plain enough that others could see?
Or, have my deeds been so worthless
 and bold That others are blinded to thee?

How hard, Oh how hard is my pilgrimage
here below; How little the good is in me.
But guide my hands, guide my feet,
dear Lord, in paths that will honor thee.



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Notable Quotes:
"If any number of real saints are incorporated by human law, they cannot be a church of Christ, by virtue of that formation, but a creature of state." - Elder John Leland from his writings in 'The Yankee Spy'


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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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