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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
March  2010

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The city of light.
12s and 9s
#653 The good old songs

There's a city of light 'mid the stars, we are told,
Where they know not a sorrow or care;
And the gates are of pearl, and the streets
are of gold, And the building exceedingly fair.

Let us pray for each other, nor faint by the way,
In this sad world of sorrow and care.
For that home is so bright, and is almost in site,
trust in my heart we'll be there.

Brother dear, never fear - we shall triumph at last,
Let us trust in the word He has given;
When our trials and toils, and our weepings are past, We shall meet in that home, up in heaven.

Sister dear, never fear - for the Saviour is near,
With His hands He will lead you along;
And the way that is dark, Christ will graciously clear, And your mourning shall turn to a song.



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Notable Quotes:
 “I take the position that if God’s people were as old as Himself, that He did not foreknow them. To foreknow a thing is to know it beforehand, and He foreknew His people, and it was the people that He foreknew that He predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ. Elder Lemuel Potter - page 299 of his book “Labors and travels”


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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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