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Essential Baptist
Principles™ As taught in the Holy Scriptures
November 2010 |
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Passing Away
C. M.
#158 in the Good Old Songs
Sweet to rejoice in lively hope,
That, when my change shall come.
Angels will hover round my bed
And waft my spirit home
We are passing away. We are passing away
We are passing away, To the great rising day.
There shall my disembodied soul
View Jesus and adore;
Be with His likeness satisfied.
And grieve and sin no more.
Shall see Him wear that very flesh
On which my guilt was lain;
His love intense, His merit fresh,
As though but newly slain.
Soon, too, my slumbering dust shall hear
The trumpet's quickening sound,
And by my Savior's power rebuilt,
At His right hand be found.
If such the views which grace unfold
Weak as it is below,
What rapture must the church above
in Jesus' presence know!
O may the unction of these truths
For ever with me stay;
Till from her sinful rage dismissed
My spirit flies away.
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Notable Quote:
here let us say that we do not intend to make The Primitive Baptist
a political sheet. We do not desire to take stock in politics,
especially through the columns of this paper; and we are not going
to do so. But when we plainly see a trend in matters of state and
the nation toward the destruction and overthrow of our liberties,
for which our people have always stood, and for which our ancestors
laid down their lives on the bloody battlefields, it is our
indispensable duty to raise the alarm. " Elder C. H. Cayce From the
Primitive Baptist Editorials, Volume VI, page 266
Editor: Elder Claude McKee
Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist
Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:November 01, 2010 )