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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
October  2010

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 C. M.
#70 in the Good Old Songs

Beneath the sacred throne of God
I saw a river rise;
The streams where peace and pardoning blood
descending from the skies.

Angelic minds cannot explore
 This deep unfathomed sea;
Tis void of bottom, brim, or shore,
And lost in Deity.

I stood amazed, ad wondered when,
Or why this ocean rose,
That wafts salvation down to men,
His traitors and His foes.

That sacred flood, form Jesus' veins,
Was free to take a way
A Mary's or Manasseh's stains,
Or sins more vile than they.



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Notable Quote:
     "Usually when the thing is started it is not called a Sunday school. The Old Baptist would "catch on" to the "racket" at once, and spurn the thing. Every time that little brat is born into an Old Baptist Church it is called a Bible class, or a Bible Study, Bible hour -- or some such little "no harm" name. And it usually catches the fancy of some. The little imp makes its appearance at first in some such unpretentious way. Be ware! Such things are a departure from the original Baptist principles and practice." Elder C. H. Cayce From the Primitive Baptist Editorials, Volume 5, page 429


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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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