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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
June  2011

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Christian Love.
S. M.

I would but cannot sing,
I would but cannot pray;
For Satan meets me when I try,
And frights my soul away.

I would, but can't repent,
Tho' I endeavor oft;
This stony heart can never relent,
Till Jesus makes it soft.

I would but cannot love,
Tho's wooed by love divine;
No arguments hae power to move
A soul so base as mine.

I would, but can not rest
In God's most holy will;
I know what he appoints is best,
Yet murmur at it still.


Walking Man

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Notable Quote: Gospel preaching is : “To teach the Elect” that they believe on God because of the work of Christ – Not by the preaching of the Gospel. -- Unknown

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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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