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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
May  2011

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#646 in the Good Old Songs

Savior visit thy plantation
Grant us, Lord a gracious rain
all will come to desolation,
Unless Thou return again;

Lord revive us! Lord, revive us;
All our help must come from Thee.
Lord revive us; O revive us;
All our help must come from Thee.

Keep no longer at a distance,
shine upon us from on high;
Lest, for want of Thy assistance,
Every plant should droop and die.
Lord, &c.

Surely once Thy garden flourished,
Every plant looked gay and green;
Then Thy word our spirits nourished--
Happy seasons we have seen.
Lord, &c.

But a drought has since succeeded,
And a sad decline we see;
Lord, Thy help is greatly needed,
Help can only come from Thee.
Lord, &c.


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Notable Quote: "He that heareth my voice and believeth my word hath (natural) life. The ability to hear my voice and believe my word does not give you life but is evidence that you have (natural) life. Likewise He that heareth Christ’s word and believeth in God that sent him hath everlasting life. The hearing and believing Christ’s word does not give you everlasting life but is evidence you already have it." - Editor  John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life.

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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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