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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
December 1  2012

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To family and friends

I Can’t Imagine

 I can not imagine life without Jesus my God, Family, love, church family, music and laughter. To me none of these blessings would be possible without God. For God is love!

 Because of Him, I can deal with my physical pain and all life’s challenges. I live on God’s promise that He will never leave nor forsake me. He will not put more on me than I can stand.

 As my pain increases, He increases my faith and endurance. He hasn’t promised we will not face life’s challenges but He does promise he will help us through those times of trouble and sometimes we come through stronger than before.

 I pray God will bless your life as He has mine.


Love, Barbara McKee

Written November 2012


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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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