John 10:26
“But ye believe not because ye are not of
my sheep, as I said unto you.”
Man’s doctrine says you
become a child of God by believing in Jesus Christ but God’s
doctrine says you believe because you are a child of God. Do you see
the difference? God’s doctrine is in harmony with other scripture:
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God:”.
(1 John 5:1) Already born of God otherwise you wouldn’t believe in
Man’s doctrine
usually adds something else to go along with believing such as:
being baptized or accepting Christ as your personal savior etc. In
the book of Acts chapter 15, there were some among the early church
that started teaching man’s doctrine by saying you must be
circumcised to be saved. The Apostles had a great dispute with that
false doctrine and a council meeting was called to address the same.
Note verses 22 thru 29, these verses record a complete
letter from the council to be borne by certain brethren to the
surrounding Churches.
During the council
meeting, Peter stated (verse 11) “But we believe that through the
grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.”
Wonder why Peter didn’t mention water baptism as part of eternal
salvation as the Campbellites do. If water baptism is essential for
eternal salvation, Peter failed to mention it in the council
meeting. Elder Claude McKee