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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
June  1  2013

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Science and Creation 

Believing the bible account of creation is not the only proof of the creative origin of man and the earth; nature itself proves the obvious to an unbiased intelligent person. Therefore knowledge of the bible is not required to believe there is a supreme being that created life and the natural world. Just observing the endless examples of order which follow the laws of nature is proof enough. The scriptures and true science are not opposed to each other; only science falsely so called.

 Since all men do not have faith, it is no surprise that we have atheist, agnostics, and deist who deny scriptural teachings but usually embrace unproven scientific theories as fact. 

But to those who do possess faith, the scriptures, true science and nature itself reveal more about God’s infinite power, love and mercy.   Elder Claude McKee





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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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