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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
May  1  2013

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Socialism and Communism

The following quote is from an article Elder C, H, Cayce published in his paper 'The Primitive Baptist' dated April 1, 1937. The article shows his opposition to the newly enacted Social Security laws and a farm bill law giving the government control over the farmer. We have just lived through the government take over of our healthcare system and it is a significant move toward socialism just as those laws Elder Cayce spoke about in his article. Socialism ends in Communism and they both are Godless forms of government. Therefore it becomes our duty to blow the alarm against ungodliness in government that leads us away from depending on God and eventually brings religious persecution. Elder Claude McKee

  "The trend of affairs in this government of ours for a number of years has been toward depriving the common people of their rights and privileges which are and were vouchsafed to us in the constitution. Take the history of every nation under the sun that has gone down and been destroyed; read and study their history and you will see clearly and plainly that as their rights were gradually encroached upon, and laws enacted dictating to them what they might or might not do, or what they must or must not do, with their own personal property which they had acquired by hard labor under that government, so surely were those things followed by the establishment of laws governing and controlling their religious activities. Religious persecution has always followed. This has been a universal end. There is not an instance on record where the matter did not terminate that way." C. H. Cayce (from volume 6, page 264 of the editorial writings from the Primitive Baptist) Click to read the entire article.




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Editor: Elder Claude McKee
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