Selected Comments
Testament Patterns
Preaching to other people
chapter 10 records the experiences of the Apostle Peter when
requested to preach to people of another nation (Gentiles). Peter and
the Apostles were still observing the Jewish custom of not going into
nor fellowshipping with the Gentile people. One very important point
about this event is that Peter and the Apostles had already been
instructed by Jesus as to what the world calls the Great Commission.
It seems to me that Peter did not understand the Lord to mean what
the world now claims He meant but Peter was cautious and required
evidence of God's Grace before going to Cornelius's home. Peter
received strong evidence but was still cautious and I believe he
would not have gone without the evidence. Peter became convinced
after he spoke to Cornelius and his household and witnessed the Holy
Ghost fall on the gentiles as it had done before on the Apostles.
preaching I heard as a young man about this experience of Peter's was
that it was a pattern for us to follow when requested to preach for
other people. Peter heeded the vision he had along with the testimony
of those sent to get him but was still cautious, carrying several
brethren with him which I believe is part of the pattern. As a young
man I witnessed this pattern used on one or two occasions by
Primitive Baptist. When God is in the matter there will always be
evidence on both ends of the situation just as in this case with
Peter. A new set of men, desirous of spreading the Gospel to the
world, have departed from the patterns we find in the Scriptures.
There is
no evidence that the Apostles joyously believed the Lord had given
them authority to go into all the world and spread the Gospel but
were as peter in that they required the evidence that God was in the
matter first. This is set forth in Chapter 11 of Acts following the
persecution that arose after the stoning of Stephen in which many
were scattered as far as Antioch. They preached , not to the
Gentiles or everyone they met on the corner as I heard one liberal
Primitive Baptist say, but they only preached to the Jews.
After the
ears of the Church at Jerusalem heard of these things, they sent
Barnabus: “Who when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was
glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would
cleave unto the Lord.” Acts 11:23 Notice he was glad after he
seen the evidence of God's Grace was in the matter and not before
which rejects the notion that they had authority to go everywhere
preaching the Gospel without exception. The Apostles went only as
they were led by the Spirit and down through the centuries his
followers have followed that pattern. When they break from that
pattern it causes division among the Churches. Elder Claude McKee