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Baptist involvement in the modern missionary movement

The topic of Missions among the Baptist became a major point of debate starting in the late 1700's and culminating in a division among the American Baptist Family in 1832. A group of Baptist met in Black Rock Maryland and signed a resolution now known as The Black Rock Address. They opposed the newly invented schemes of the modern missionary movement in that day. 

A Series of articles by Elder Claude Mckee on the introduction of Mission programs among the Baptist in America

Introduction of Modern Missions in America Article I - (published in The Christian Baptist, November 1995)
Means and Anti-means Article II - (published in The Christian Baptist January 1996)
The Spread of the Gospel Article III - (published in The Christian Baptist February 1996)

True Biblical Missions part I - (published in The Christian Baptist, October 1996)
True Biblical Missions Part II - (published in The Christian Baptist, November 1996)

Articles concerning the recent re-introduction of modern missionary endeavors among the Primitive Baptist

Primitive Baptist Missionary Movement in the Philippines  A rebuttal to their claim of compatibility with the Black Rock Address
The Primitive Baptist Library other articles, resolutions and information about this new attempt to modernize the Primitive Baptist can be found at this website.