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Larimer 50 Year in the Ministry
Leaven - example by Elder Albert Wilson
Leaven Beware of Brethren,it seems that contending for the faith is the hardest work that a Brother or Sister can do in this world. Lets pray to be found fighting the good fight of faith, laying hold on eternal life, whereunto we are called, having professed a good profession before many witnesses in our Lords Church. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Liberal Primitive Baptists movement, an historic view by Elder Claude McKee
Liberty of conscience by Elder Isaac Backus
Like unto Him by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Lively Stones It is our Lords will to build His Church. It is a spiritual house comprised of lively stones, built up. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Laboring in Gospel - Laboring for Peace by Elder Claude McKee
Living is Christ to die is GainThere is no joy greater than serving Christ Jesus, and no happier prospect than being with Him by Elder Ralph Harris
Lollipop Salvation This type of man made religion is so appealing to the masses but then again the truth has never been popular By Elder Brian Moore
Lord knows them that are His Nugget #238 by Elder Ralph Harris
Love - Charity  Article by Elder Claude Mckee. Emphasis on our showing true love of God by keeping his commands
Love and Hate God does not love everybody by Elder C. H. Cayce
Love of God by Elder Wiley Sammons
Love Shed abroad Nugget #281 by Elder Ralph Harris
Love the Brotherhood  There must be a way that brethren may abuse their liberty making it a pretext or a veil to do injury or evil. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Love Thy Neighbor by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Lowest Seat from the bits and pieces series #472 by Elder Ralph Harris