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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
June 2006

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  • God's way of Salvation How can anyone believe that the Father laid the sins of every human being on Christ and required Him to suffer for them when He knew that untold millions of them would later be required to suffer the same penalty for the same sins in hell? Elder Ralph Harris

  • Preservation of the Saints A case has never been more thoroughly and undeniably proven than that of the preservation and security of the saints From the bits and pieces series (#491). by  Elder Ralph Harris

  • He heals the blind There were no doubt many sighted who saw the good works of the Lord and found no desire to follow him or call upon Him. These blind men who could have never seen one of our Lord’s good works were still endowed with faith to call upon the Lord. By Elder Marty Hoogasian

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Unscriptural Church Practices 

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Notable Quotes: For the first there hundred years and upward, in all the ecclesiastical story, I find no such doctrine or example [ as that of supporting the pastors of Christian churches by the imposition of tithes.]

 " Found in Jones History, Volume II page 86-87  quoted from a tract the poet John  Milton  wrote entitled, "Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church", addressed to the Parliament of England, in which he shews the pernicious effects arising from the endowing of the churches with tithes.

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Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Mail IconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 28, 2009 )