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Love Divine
Good old songs (Cayce book)
Love divine, how sweet the sound;
May the theme on earth abound;
May the hearts of saints below,
With the sacred rapture flow.
Love amazing, large, and free,
Love unknown, to think on me;
Let that love upon me shine,
Saviour, with its beams divine.
Better than earth's gilded toys,
Or an age of carnal joys;
Better far than Ophir's gold,
Love that never can be told.
Better than this life
of mine,
Saviour, is thy love divine;
Drop the veil, and let me see
Rivers of this love in Thee.
While in Mesech's
tents I stay,
Love divine shall tune my lay;
When I soar to bliss above,
Still I'll praise a Saviour's love.
Notable Quotes: When the Lord calls a learned man (though He does not call many),
that man glories in becoming a fool that he may win Christ. Human
learning makes no part of the new man and the saint who has human
learning is Just as weak and dependent on God for his crumb as any
other, and all are fed with the same kind of food.” Elder R. H.
Pittman - from an article in The Old Path Contender Editor
Elder Kenneth Clevenger