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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

July 1 2009

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C. M.
#282 The good Old Songs

Do not I love thee oh my Lord?
Behold my heart and see;
And turn each cursed idol out
That dares to rival  thee.

Do not I love Thee from my soul?
Then let me nothing love;
Dead be my heart to every joy
Which Thou dost not approve.

Is not Thy name melodious still
To mine attentive ear?
Doth not each pulse with pleasure beat,
My Saviour's voice to hear?

Hast Thou a lamb in all Thy flock
I would disdain to feed?
Hast Thou a foe before whose face
I fear Thy case to plead?


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Scriptural Verse

Thin Line

Notable Quotes: "If God formed me with talents to be an expositor of the holy scriptures, I have criminally neglected to improve the talents which he gave me; for now, when I am eighty-six years old, I have not the least understanding of the last nine chapters of Ezekiel; and the same is true of a great part of the Bible. I read commentators, but remain ignorant, My prayer is, that I may know and practise the truth, but I remain under the cloud, grovelling in the dark."  Elder John Leland   From 'The writings of the late Elder John Leland - Short and unconnected sentences'

Thin Line

Editor: Elder Claude McKee Mail logo Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:October 04, 2009 )