Notable Quotes:
"What is Sunday? Our great grandfathers called it the Holy Sabbath, Our grandfathers called it the Sabbath, our fathers called
it Sunday, and we call it the ‘week-end’ What is Sunday to you? –Selected from the Baptist Trumpet
More than
one world is spoken of in the Scriptures!
Nuts for Arminians to Crack
by Elder J. B. Hardy, Sr.
#258: Was the world that God loved (John 3:16) and the world that wondered after the beast (Rev 13:3), the same world?
#260: Does the whole world that lieth in wickedness include those that are of God (John 5:19)
#262: Did not Christ say, "I pray for them, I pray not for the world?' (John 17:9)
#263: If Christ prayed for His people and did not pray for the world, were they included with the world under consideration?